30 December 2008

Day 126 of 365: Back to running :)

First off, I should note that it is ridiculously difficult to take a picture of your ipod screen!!! Holy moly! Anywho, this was today's run. I LOVE my nike+ that I use with my nano. As you can see, it keeps track of time, distance, speed and calories! Now you, too, can see how slowly I run! I can set it with different goals (time/distance/calories) or just on go mode where it goes till I stop it without giving me feedback during the run. I love hearing the lady tell me how far I've gone, though. And the 400m countdown at the end is the best part! I always know I can make it at that point.... Anyone who's thinking of getting a nike+, I can't recommend it enough! I love it! And for the price point ($29.99) it can't be beat in terms of what it delivers.

The best part is, I'm back to running. I'm starting to feel human again and not just a workaholic drone. This was one of the best runs I've had in a long time. I am not looking forward to going back to that rat race schedule next week. :(

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